Transform Grants
Of 18 applications to the inaugural Grand Challenges Transform Initiative, four finalists will receive approximately $250,000 each to carry out innovative solutions for critical social and scholarly problems in education, health, and creative expression in Wisconsin and around the world.
Transform Grant Award Recipients
FOCUS Partnerships: Enhancing Mental and Behavioral Health for Children and Youth in Rural Wisconsin Communities
Building Capacity for Community-School-University Partnerships for Systemic Transformation
Mobilizing Youth Voices for Racial Justice
Sociocritical Literacy for Community Change and Equity
More Transform Proposals
The Healing Power of Education in New Times: New Directions for Trauma-recovery in Wisconsin
Transformative Global Citizenship Education Networks
Making Sports Safer for Children: Dissemination of Evidence-Based Safe Sport Recommendations to Wisconsin Coaches
CRISPR Ethics Game: Facilitating Critical Discussions of the Most Promising Science of the Century
Forgiveness Therapy to Improve Prosocial Well-Being and Behavior of Imprisoned Populations
UW Community Arts Collaboratory Arts-Integrated Summer School
Wisconsin StoryBridges
Circle of Care: A Transformative Model for Supporting Orphans' Education in Malawi
5Minutes4Myself: Creating Culturally Congruent Wellness Programs for Under-served Groups in At-risk Contexts
Everyday Academics: Unleashing the power of research through effective communication
Shaping Our Community: A Mobile App for Reaching Career Aspirations Through Data Science and Community Involvement
Awareness Matters: Conceptualizing Multilingualism as a Resource in Schools
Family Childcare in Crisis: Playgroups to Professionalize Caregivers and Raise Children's Multicultural Awareness
Community Schools Across Wisconsin
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if you would like to get in touch with any of our Transform teams.